Thursday, September 24, 2015

Science Trivia

Which has more bones:

A.  An adult

B. A teenager

C.  A baby

Answer:  (c)  A baby, as we get older, some of our bones fuse (or grow) together.

Science Trivia

How many feet does food travel in the average adult's digestive tract?

A.     10 feet

B.     20 feet

C.     30 feet

Answer: (c) 30 feet or about 5 to 6 times the  person's height

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Scinece Trivia

How long is the wingspan of the largest bat, the flying foxes of Asia?

A.     3 feet

B.     6 feet

C.     10 feet

Answer:  The flying fox wingspan is (B) 6 feet, about the length of a surfboard.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Science Trivia

The strongest winds ever recorded were:

A.     127 mph

B.     183 mph

C.     231 mph

Answer:  Wind speed reached (c) 231 mph atop Mount Washington, NH on April 12, 1934

Monday, September 21, 2015

Science Trivia

What is the age of the oldest known fossils on Earth?

A.     1 billion years

B.     2.2 billion years

C.     3.5 billion years

Answer:  There are fossils that date back (c) 3.5 billion years.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Science Trivia

Which is the largest order  (or type) of insect?

     A.  Coleoptera (beetles)

     B.  Diptera (flies)

     C.  Lepidoptera  ( butterflies/moths)


Answer:  A.  Coleoptera -  This order has aboout 33,000 species!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Science Trivia

Which of the following scientists studies the oceans?

     A.  Oceanographer

     B.  Astronomer

     C. Meteorologist

Answer:   Oceanographer